Takeout Dinner at The First Hungarian Reformed Church / Székelygulyás Elvitelre (Első Magyar Református)

Február 8-án és 9-én Walton Hills-i Első Magyar Református egyháznál székely gulyást készítenek elvitelre. Menu: székely gulyás, krumplipüré és sütemény. Előrendelés szükséges. Jelentkezni lehet február 2-ig a 440-786-7272 -es telefonon […]

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First Hungarian Reformed Church,14530 Alexander Rd
Walton Hills,OH44146United States
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Presentation at the Hungarian Museum / Előadás a Magyar Múzeumban

Love! From blissful heights of joy to the depths of longing, melancholy, heartache, and despair, love can consume and torment the soul! Romantic love themes in literature cross all borders, […]

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Cleveland Hungarian Museum,1301 E 9th St
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Annual Pork Sausage Dinner at St. Emeric Church / Disznótoros Ebéd (Szt. Imre)

Február 9-én a Szent Imre Templom Farsangi Disznótoros Ebédet szervez a templom támogatására. Az ebéd a szentmise után 12:30(félegy)-től kezdődik a díszteremben. A menü: Hagyományos húsleves, disznótoros sült hurka és […]

$12 – $25
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Szt. Imre Római Katolikus Templom,1860 W. 22nd St
Cleveland,OH44113United States
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Superbowl Party / Buli (Akron Hungarian American Club)

The Akron Hungarian American Club cordially invites you to come and watch the Superbowl with family and friends in a safe and fun environment. We will enjoy snacks and sausage sliders. More details […]

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Akron Hungarian American Club,694 E. Waterloo Road
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Family and Marriage Conference at The First Hungarian Reformed Church / Családi Konferencia (Első Magyar Református Egyház)

The First Hungarian Reformed Church will host a Family and Marriage Conference on Saturday, February 15, from 3-6 P.M. (doors open at 2:30 P.M.). Speakers will include Dr. & Mrs. […]

Find out more
First Hungarian Reformed Church,14530 Alexander Rd
Walton Hills,OH44146United States
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Valentine’s Day Buffet / Valentin Napi Vacsora (Akron Hungarian American Club)

Come join us at the Akron Hungarian American Club in celebrating Valentines Day on Saturday, February 15, 7-11 P.M. with a sumptuous Buffet. Stuffed pork chops, parsley potatoes, green beans, […]

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Akron Hungarian American Club,694 E. Waterloo Road
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HuIBG Meeting

The next meeting for the HuIBG will be on the third Tuesday, February 18 at 6:00 P.M. at St. Emeric Church. Councilman Kerry MvCormack and LAND Studio Greg Peckham will be present […]

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Szt. Imre Római Katolikus Templom,1860 W. 22nd St
Cleveland,OH44113United States
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Scouts Banquet / Cserkészebéd

The American-Hungarian Friends of Scouting cordially invite you to join us for our annual Scout Banquet on Sunday, Febrary 23. Details regarding ticket sales are forthcoming- please check your inbox, […]

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Saint Emeric Church Cleveland, Ohio,1860 W 22nd St
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Chicken Paprikás Dinner / Csirkepaprikás Vacsora (Akron Hungarian American Club)

The Akron Hungarian American Club invites you to its Chicken Paprikás Dinner on Sunday, February 23 from 3-5 P.M. The delicious chicken paprikás will be served with nokedli in a […]

Find out more
Akron Hungarian American Club,694 E. Waterloo Road
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