The Akron Hungarian American Club is hosting a Sausage, Wine, Nut/Poppy Seed Roll Sale on Saturday, June 22 between 1-3 P.M. Our Club’s recipe is featured: kolbász sausage, mild or hot, two for $12.00, smoked sausage two for $14.00. Nut or poppy seed rolls for $18.00 & assorted Hungarian wine will be available along with Papps Peppers. We accept cash or checks. Your orders for the sausage & rolls must be in by June 20 by calling the Club at 330-724-0259 or online.
Kolbászt, bort & beiglit árusīt az Akroni Magyar Klub szombaton, juni 22 du 1-3 óra között. Rendeléseiket juni 20-ig várják a 330-724-0259-es telefoszámon vagy online a weboldalon keresztül.