Formed in 1902, the United Hungarian Societies serves as an umbrella organization that unites the Greater Cleveland area Hungarian-American organizations and works to represent their interests, and in so doing, seeks to preserve, cultivate, develop and disseminate Hungarian culture. To further serve the region’s Hungarian-Americans, it may initiate and organize activities for the benefit of this community.
Andrea Meszaros
Andrea Meszaros was born in Virginia, and began her schooling in Cleveland. She worked as an attorney for 27 years. Since childhood she was involved in the Hungarian scouting movement in Cleveland, served as a scoutmaster, and is currently on the Board of the American Hungarian Friends of Scouting. She also enjoys teaching at the Hungarian Scout Association’s Hungarian Summer School Camp. She served as president and vice-president of the Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society and currently serves as a member of the Society’s Board of Directors.
Lorand Csibi
Vice President
Born in Transylvania, Romania, Lorand Csibi works in the biotechnology industry as a CNC specialist. He is a trustee of the Hungarian Cultural Center of Northeast Ohio, a board member of the Hungarian Association, member of St. Elizabeth Shrine and St Emeric Church, and between 2012-2019 was president of the Hungarian Media Foundation and editor-in-chief of Bocskai Radio. He reports regularly for the Toronto Hungarian Radio, and is the founder and president of the Clevelandi Magyarokért Foundation.
Joseph Foldesi
Born and raised in Cleveland’s Hungarian community, Joseph Foldesi is a member of St. Emeric Church, a former director of the Hungarian Scout Folk Ensemble, and a lifelong member of the Hungarian scouts. He is semi-retired as a CNC machinist.
Petra Laszlo
Corresponding Secretary
Born in Budapest, Hungary, Petra Laszlo has a degree in Psychology from Cleveland State University and a JD from Case Western Reserve University; she worked in the legal field before becoming a mother of four children, all of whom attend the Hungarian School and are active in scouting. She grew up in a Hungarian Baptist Church and is on the board of the the American Hungarian Friends of Scouting.
Endre Szentkiralyi
Recording Secretary
Endre Szentkiralyi was born and raised in Cleveland, has been active in its Hungarian scouting community for decades, and serves on the Board of the Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society as well as of the Hungarian American Coalition. He has written and edited three books about Cleveland’s Hungarian community, and teaches high school in the greater Cleveland area.
Tas Nadas
Tas Nadas was born in Chicago where he grew up involved with the Hungarian Scouts and served as an altar boy at St. Stephen's of Hungary for many years in his youth. He moved to Cleveland where he completed his bachelor's degrees in Philosophy and English from Case Western Reserve University. He worked in healthcare administration for 15 years before starting a new career as an attorney. He earned his JD from Cleveland State University College of Law and has been a solo practitioner since. He continues to be active with the Hungarian Scouts in Cleveland, and looks forward to passing it all on to his son.
Richard Sarosi
Richard Sarosi has undergraduate degrees in urban studies and political science from Cleveland State University, and an MA in urban studies from St. Louis University. He is retired from decades of government service for the Cleveland Fire Department and Cuyahoga County. He is secretary-treasurer for the William Penn Association, Branch 14, and was a member of William Penn’s Board of Directors. He is vice president of the Cleveland Hungarian Cultural Garden, an elected trustee of the Hungarian Cultural Center of Northeast Ohio and of the Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society, and is a lifelong member of the First Hungarian Reformed Church.
In order of their service:
Lajos Berczel, dr. Elek Csutoros, Ferenc Beck, Miklós Kováchy, Pál Nagy, dr. Henrik Baracs, Lajos Petrásh, Imre Király, György Kemény, István Gobozy, István Körmendy, József Fodor, Gyula Kováchy, István Monoky, Mihály Tóth, János Laskó, István Gobozy, Ferenc Pokorny, András Donó, Sándor Menyhárt, László Kemes, Kathy Kapossy, Jack Kőrössy, Valéria Rátoni-Nagy, Endre Szentkirályi