United Hungarian Societies

The UHS serves as an umbrella organization that unites the Greater Cleveland area Hungarian-American organizations and works to represent their interests. In so doing, it seeks to preserve, cultivate, develop and disseminate Hungarian culture.

Welcome to Cleveland’s Hungarian community!

Vast and varied in its scope, it encompasses both first generation immigrants and those who were born here. Over 90,000 people listed Hungarian ancestry in the greater Cleveland area, and about 4,500 of those speak the language in their household. Approximately 400 people attend a local Hungarian church service on any given weekend, and Cleveland’s secular Hungarian organizations have about 2,000 members on their combined mailing lists. Ours is a large and diverse community.

Compromise and cooperation are the glue that binds us together, as well as culture, tradition, and great Hungarian food. Join us at an event of your choosing; you will not regret it!

Andrea Mészáros

EVENTS organized by uhs 

March 15.

Commemoration of the Hungarian Revolution & War of Independence of 1848-49.


Galvanizing events uniting all of Cleveland’s Hungarians.

October 23.

Commemoration of the 1956 Hungarian freedom fight against Soviet oppression.

Events by member organizations

Family and Marriage Conference at The First Hungarian Reformed Church / Családi Konferencia (Első Magyar Református Egyház)

The First Hungarian Reformed Church will host a Family and Marriage Conference on Saturday, February 15, from 3-6 P.M. (doors open at 2:30 P.M.). Speakers will include Dr. & Mrs. […]

Find out more
First Hungarian Reformed Church,14530 Alexander Rd
Walton Hills,OH44146United States
+ Google Map

Valentine’s Day Buffet / Valentin Napi Vacsora (Akron Hungarian American Club)

Come join us at the Akron Hungarian American Club in celebrating Valentines Day on Saturday, February 15, 7-11 P.M. with a sumptuous Buffet. Stuffed pork chops, parsley potatoes, green beans, […]

Find out more
Akron Hungarian American Club,694 E. Waterloo Road
+ Google Map

HuIBG Meeting

The next meeting for the HuIBG will be on the third Tuesday, February 18 at 6:00 P.M. at St. Emeric Church. Councilman Kerry MvCormack and LAND Studio Greg Peckham will be present […]

Find out more
Szt. Imre Római Katolikus Templom,1860 W. 22nd St
Cleveland,OH44113United States
+ Google Map

Scouts Banquet / Cserkészebéd

The American-Hungarian Friends of Scouting cordially invite you to join us for our annual Scout Banquet on Sunday, Febrary 23. Details regarding ticket sales are forthcoming- please check your inbox, […]

Find out more
Saint Emeric Church Cleveland, Ohio,1860 W 22nd St
+ Google Map

Chicken Paprikás Dinner / Csirkepaprikás Vacsora (Akron Hungarian American Club)

The Akron Hungarian American Club invites you to its Chicken Paprikás Dinner on Sunday, February 23 from 3-5 P.M. The delicious chicken paprikás will be served with nokedli in a […]

Find out more
Akron Hungarian American Club,694 E. Waterloo Road
+ Google Map


The oldest Hungarian monument in Cleveland is the statue of Lajos Kossuth, erected in 1902. The United Hungarian Societies was founded in that very year for the express purpose of building a monument to Hungary’s champion of liberty. It can be found in Cleveland’s University Circle, at the corner of Euclid Avenue and Stearns Road.


Downtown at Mindszenty Plaza (Lakeside Avenue and East 12th Street) is the bust of Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty as well as a monument to the 1956 Revolution, evoking an anonymous Hungarian freedom fighter, with a hole in the Hungarian flag where the hated Soviet star had been torn out, a flag that came to symbolize the freedom fight. Many refugees of the 1956 Revolution arrived in Cleveland shortly afterwards, built new lives in the US, and still live here.


Officers are elected to two year terms at large from member organizations.

Andrea Meszaros


Lorand Csibi

Vice President

Joseph Foldesi


Petra Laszlo

Corresponding Secretary

Endre Szentkiralyi

Recording Secretary

Tas Nádas


Richard Sarosi
